Curve Study. After learning all the types of curves, with wire one had to create a three dimentional desing that balanced on three points. I started with the spiral, making my piece take the form of a seashell. I used a thick wire for the 3 major spirals and a really thin one to weave them together. I love working with wire.
Plaster!! Fun fun fun...
First time ever using plaster, it is a very messy, temperd, but exiting medium to work with.
After a few days of just experimenting, creating different forms we had to put our pieces together, thinking of the X and Y aixis. I decided to incorporate in my design wire, connecting the past project with the current one. Balance played a huge role on my design, as shown in the close up picture, one plaster form is connected by wire to another one that is suspended inches off the ground.
Self portrait.
Made of plaster. The process was very exiting, first we shaped oil base clay as to represent us, after the game of memory, looking in the mirror, and translating it into the clay one creates a cast to pour in the plaster, and after a lot of work you’ve got yourself a sculpted self portrait.
In the second semester of 3D we looked up and researched a building in Manhattan from where a three dimentional structure was to be created, we had to use at least one characteristic from the building in our design. I researched the American Standard Building by Brayant Park, what striked me the most was its color, Black brick with Golden Deco Art details. The materials used for this project: wood, black cardboard gold leaf and black ink. For this project I had envissioned a totally different design, and after breaking it this organic structure was produced.
...I’ve learned that the process is the most important thing in creating.
you are never in control of what lays ahead only of what you have and are doing right this moment. When one is enjoying the process everything flows and things can brake, crack and get 'destroyed' but from it one keeps creating and building possibilities.
For this project we had to researched a plant, I researched a Korean flower and basically looked for a piece of wood that I felt would be good to work with, so I picked this small log from the park and started chipping away and away and away wood, I build up a lot of muscle doing this project, it looks like not a lot of work went into it but a lot did, and that was the purpose, make the piece look as if nature itself had carved it away....I coated it with some toxic smelling oil and used acrylic paint to bring in the hue of the flowers I had researched. I had a great time with this project, just being in the wood shop, chipping, and drilling and sanding felt really good!
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